Storytelling Engagement in Mi’kma’ki
Acknowledging the history of the site in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and traditional lands of the Mi’kmaq people, our consulting team was focused on leading a welcoming, culturally appropriate engagement process to help: identify stories, cultural elements, and placemaking features to prioritize with the District.
Enhancing Engagement at the AIBC Conference
Our goal was to enhance engagement at the Architectural Institute of British Columbia’s annual conference by creating a collaborative space where they could brainstorm and share ideas.
Visioning Paueru Gai with Graphic Recording
Elkplan was tasked with capturing meaningful community discussions about how to honor and celebrate their rich history in the Powell Street neighbourhood.
Actionable Placemaking Concepts for Downtown Abbotsford
Elkplan helped to deliver an engagement program and develop placemaking concepts, along with a comprehensive strategy for the Abbotsford Downtown Business Association.
Envisioning a New Park in Belvedere
Using visual tools, we gathered feedback from local residents about a new park, with a special emphasis on ideas from Indigenous residents.